Drone flights aren't new, but the number of new uses has lead to a revolution in how they are fast becoming the tool of choice to do difficult jobs safely.
Over and Out Drones is FAA UAS certified and is your best choice
for your next aerial project. If you are new to hiring a drone pilot or not,
you will be happy with the results.
Video or photos or both, any option is good.

Real Estate, Events, and Gigs

High-resolution photos, 4k video

• Residence

• Apartment

• Advertising

• Billboard

• Insurance Claim Assessment

• Aerial Inspections

• Historic landmarks

• Warehouse

• Stockyard

• Parade

• Marriage

• Engagement/Proposal

• You have a great idea and you just need a great photographer with a drone.

Mapping, Inspection, Monitoring

• Construction

• Inspection

• Architecture

• Agriculture

• Environmental Monitoring

• Infrastructure

• Oil and Gas Inspection

• Wildlife Monitoring

• 3-D Mapping

What is your Project?

Name *
E-mail *
Cell number *
Project Date/Time *
Project Address *
Photo or Video *
Project Type *
Project Type 2
Describe the project *